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Funds total anesthesia momentary "Chemical Dream", was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation "Cast Lead", the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel's Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
In 2010, "ArdamaH" has been licensed with the company "Teva-Israel" has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic "Chemical Dream" under the control of the company "ArdamaH".
General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.
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